SustEd has recently been involved with several European strategic partnership projects. Adam Cade led on all the Erasmus Plus funding bids - worth over 500K Euro.
- Y4T project producing guides and educational resources for youth/student educators or working with and promoting trees, forests and their products.
- CORE project producing a Toolkit for Teaching about Traditional Orchards.
- YOOF project with WWOOF Espana enabled youth to make videos, podcasts and blogs to learn about sustainable food production and entrepreneurship.
- VEERE project developed guidance for educators on student-led eco-enterprises in schools and colleges.
- ACEWild project with Norfolk County Council developed environmental outdoor learning guidance for secondary schools and teachers of pupils with challenging behaviour.
- LLOOF project included 10 European country partners, led by SustEd on contract to WWOOF-UK (Working Worldwide on Organic Farms) and developed an online guide to sustainable farming.